Dr. Arun Silivery
I was born in Telangana, India's beautiful state known as "South of North and North of South" I earned a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) from Vasavi College of Engineering(VCE), Hyderabad and my Masters from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad.
I have 10+ years of an education domain experience in software development using Microsoft .Net and ML/DL technologies with good exposure to the full software development.
I earned my Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering, under the guidance of Prof. Ram Mohan Rao at Osmania University, Hyderabad. During my doctoral studies, I investigated the field of Anomaly Intrusion Detection in Network-based systems using Deep Learning Techniques.
I am broadly interested in system security and network security where I work on building secure systems, developing practical detection systems for democratizing and accelerating smooth transactions.
My research is generously supported by the Vasavi College of Engineering(VCE), Hyderabad. Thank you!
- Title: Dual-path feature extraction based hybrid intrusion detection in IoT networks
- Title: Rap-Densenet Framwork for Network Attack Detection and Classification
- Title: A model for multi-attack classification to improve intrusion detection performance using deep learning approaches
- Title: An Effective Deep Learning Based Multi-Class Classification of DoS and DDoS Attack Detection
Authors: Arun Silivery, Kovvur Ram Mohan Rao et. al.
Journal: Computers and Electrical Engineering/Elsevier DoI:[https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compeleceng.2024.109949]
Authors: Arun Silivery, Kovvur Ram Mohan Rao et. al.
Journal: [Journal of Information & Knowledge Management] DoI: [https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219649224500333]
Authors: Arun Silivery, Kovvur Ram Mohan Rao et. al.
Journal: [Measurement: Sensors] DoI: [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measen.2023.100924]
Authors: Arun Silivery, Kovvur Ram Mohan Rao et. al.
Journal: [International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems] DoI: [https://doi.org/10.32985/ijeces.14.4.6]
Scientific Services
- Acted as external reviewer for Neural Networks [Certificate]
- Acted as external reviewer for Neurocomputing [Certificate]
- Acted as external reviewer for Measurement: Sensors [Certificate]
- Acted as external reviewer for Expert Systems with Applications [Certificate]
- Acted as external reviewer for Computer Standards & Interfaces [Certificate]
- Acted as external reviewer for International Journal of Intelligent Networks [Certificate]
- Acted as external reviewer for Journal of Network and Computer Applications [Certificate]